Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just Pray Everyday

In Christ Alone
Second verse

In Christ alone who took on flesh, fullness of God in helpless babe. This gift of love and righteousness scorned by the ones He came to save. Till on that cross as Jesus died, the wrath of God was satisfied. For every sin on Him was laid, here in the death of Christ I live………

Dear Heavenly Father

As I write these words to this song a realization comes that in Christ Jesus something was accomplished that changed the world for everyone of us. Something only He could do. There was no other that could satisfy the wrath of God. I thank you God for accepting this sacrifice as payment for our sins. I thank you God for providing a way for us in this life for without this gift of love we would have no hope and no way. Thank You Father…..

Father, each day provides it’s on new sets of worries but we know your hand is on those you love and we will not burden ourselves with worry because we know it’s in your hands. Please look after the families that morn today. Be with the Wims as they face the laboring pains of dealing with Brad’s illness. Comfort them Father as only you can do because there are no human words of comfort that can give them relief. Wrap your love around Sandra and David and keep them safe in you. Do not let this heartache crush their spirits. Lead them to know that beyond this there is eternal life and hope for a renewed day. In You there is a place where there are no more tears and no more death. Even in this pain let us all for evermore cling to that knowledge. We know that faith will bring us through the darkest of days. We thank you Father for that hope.

Look after my Rolly Bear today he is working harder than ever. He is always ready to do his best but he’s got a bit of a cold. He never does well with sickness Father as you well know so comfort him and bring this around quickly for him and don’t let it get him to far down. Be with Charlotte and Ken as they face problems with cancers. Roland’s family has never been close but let us be as close as you would have us to be while this goes on.

Watch out for Glen and Peggy as they recover from the doctor’s work. Strengthen Glen and bring him back to his old self soon. He has been given a huge chance here to start anew with all the blessings of seeing his granddaughter grow up. Let it be a driving force to keep him going in the right direction.

We asked your blessing Father on the church rebuild. Keep your workers safe; keep the teens motivated for Paul so their area will be a nice place as well. Let them be respectful of the church and keep it clean so it will be welcoming to all who enter. Instill pride in our young people and give them wisdom to understand every effort should be for the first fruits of your kingdom. Keep us strong in all our efforts to make You more visible in this world. The work is to make You more appealing visually so that we can have enough time to make You more appealing spiritually to those that might not see the bigger picture. Give us the right motivation in this area and not just to please our own wants and needs. Father for those of us who know you well and have a relationship that is one on one with you that is such a blessing but for those who do not let us do whatever we must to give a guiding light for those still trying to find their way. Let us make it as appealing as possible until they can find You. Let us give them a garden path that looks good and feels right. The road is narrow so let us light the way.

Father, bless the election of new elders to our church. I find myself at a disadvantage because as they ask for nominations I do not know of anyone who meets or wants to serve in that way. It is a very sad day Father for the church when this is the case. Let them do the best they can by You in the appointment of new elders. It is a hard work Father so I pray that you will open the right doors to the right men to serve at Lakewood. Guide us to know them and know their hearts.

This is all prayed to my holy God in the power of Christ. Till You come or take me home I am comforted by the power of these prayers. Be with us always Lord……..Amen

On another note we did get to celebrate Debra’s birthday. We ended up going to Joe’s Crab Shack in Kemah. The boardwalk is running again after the hurricane and it’s slow but things are opening again. It is never the same after taking a hit like that. But anyway Debra is 28 not 29. Who knew? We were going to Red’s but it’s closed Monday and that’s the day she was off and could go. I worked at the church building, did some painting and cabinet work. Then went and got food for the Dolicki’s family meal. It was a rushed busy day just the way I like them to be. Full and jam packed. I have a card for Robert Johnson but haven’t had time to run it over to him. Maybe today at lunch time. Jeff is supposed to be at the building with the painters getting started today on the texture work. It’s one of the most expensive things we are dealing with and I hate that! Seems like it wouldn’t be but if you want it to look right you have to get that done so it’s uniform through out and that’s the look we want. Anyway time is up for today I have to get dressed and be at the building………..

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