Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Dear Heavenly Father

Thank you, for the blessings of yesterdays work. It was hard to know what to do that day but I think with the tile coming up so easily and us spotting the wet floor under it… the message was clear to take away what was old and damaged and replace it. Thank you for insight! Thank you for those who came and helped. We trust in your favor Lord and know that you guide the work at the building. Let me always be keen to listen to that guidance. Help us to know how to dispose of the old tiles in a way that will do no harm to our environment or the people working with those materials. Father, you know that I am tired but we are gathering with the ladies tonight for Bunko and I just need you to keep me on task to make that a blessing for all of those who come. It’s a blessed time when our ladies get together and have fellowship and fun with each other. Sandra Wims has been asked to come so Lord lay it on her heart to know that better and more relaxed times are possible in the fellowship she can find with her sisters in Christ. Let us all be there for Sandra to help her back into a more balanced life. Also, for Karen V. as she struggles with her up coming surgery. She’ll try to be there as well so it’s important that this event go well for the sisters that come with more on their minds and hearts than playing a game. Let us all be Jesus to them at this point in time. Our ladies are Linda, Barbie, Geanie, Janet, Sheryl, Pam, Lynne, Melinda, Jeannine, Ann, Nan, Sue, Betty, Karen, Pat, Portia, Debbie, and all the others from the other Bunko group, Karen G. Shirley, Cindy, MariJane, Gina, all of them bless them with a fun evening out.

Father, be with Roland as he is working harder and harder. He is a good man and I want to bring him to you in prayer that he might be strong and finish the good work you have put in his heart. It is such a blessing to our family to have him and I thank you everyday for putting this good man in my life to share my walk with you. Let me be the helper you want me to be so that I support him in every way and bring it to my attention if I am not doing everything a wife should do for her husband to make him feel complete and loved.

I praise your name Father and hold you on high till the last day. Keep us safe as we travel into Houston today. Be with those who can not see the light enough to pray or fight the demons that harm them. Let me close with thoughts of a kingdom where there are no tears. I pray it all in the blessed, strong and powerful name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

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