Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday in Mont Belvieu........Thank You Lord

Heavenly Father

My first readings this morning said “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.” We the people of your church can get really comfortable in our own hope and sometime we forget Father we live in a dying world. Thank you and bless those who are going out in this heat to carry your message. It won’t get to those doors any other way and deep down we know that it is our duty to our faith to share it. It’s not easy Father to do this but the victory stands in the numbers of prayers we are able to pray. Thank you for all of the people who are willing to work at this to make something happen for your glory. I am amazed at the people who will share with a strange at the door the details of their lives and cry out for help and relief. I live in this area and I see huge homes and football games and you don’t really see the truth until you come to ask for it in prayers for relief. Kindle the hearts of our body and make them see the truth in this work. If we are all supportive of those who will go out even if it’s not quite our cup of tea at least those who can do this and are willing will have a return. Bless them Father and keep them safe while they do this work in the name of your son sacrifices.

Lord, be with Sonny Goode he is a dear friend and one of our own. He is washed in the blood of the lamb and has fallen to problems with his health. Maybe a stroke they are not sure yet but details are coming and we asked for the result to go in his and Karen’s favor. Watch over every hand that takes care of them and send them in the right direction for the help they need for him to get better. Send your saving grace and protect them both from this set back.

Give us all the keys to the knowledge to know what is best and guide us with your holy scriptures. Send the Holy Spirit to us at this time Father so we may be the most effective in everything we do at this time. Let us be supportive of each other and cast no doubted on the work you send us out to do. You go beyond the walls of the church building and we have to be willing as we are your voice to this hurting world. Protect us from the evil one and give him no ability to hinder our work for Your name.

Father, be with Ricki Lane soften her heart and give her what she needs to be a productive person in your church. Help her with the grandchildren’s needs and while she is with Tamar in her pregnancy. Protect her new baby and make both of them strong.

We love you Lord and we will lift our voice in praise to you again today so hear us and know that we beg you to stay by our sides as we do your work. We do not deserve the right to ask anything of you but we know in our hearts your mercy is always upon us. It is in the strong and powerful name of Jesus that we ask it all for your Glory. Amen

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