Friday, January 22, 2010

Early Morning Prayers

Dear Father

I woke up early this morning with thoughts of prayer on my mind the minute I woke, I was grateful for clean water and a freshly brewed cup of coffee. For a husband that was leaving to go to work to support this family I was deeply grateful. I was thankful for the sounds of a heater clicking on and off. I was comforted by the protection of the walls of my home around me. Seems this morning was filled with some pretty simple things but then I realized not so simple, clean dishes, sheets on the bed, a few dollars in my wallet. No not simple things at all really. I am grateful for the everyday life I have Lord and I thank you for being the focus of that simple but not so simple life. I think today about all of those who don’t have even the basics of life’s needs. It is a hollow feeling to know that some while we have our comforts are in desolation while we have an abundance. When I flip on the TV the footage is surreal it’s not a broadcast from another planet and the images are graphic. The new reports are so cold in the matter of fact accounts they give. Father, they don’t spare us the graphic details or the gore. Somber voiced reporter just tell it like it is without the intensity that must truly be there. Father, be with those people that are out there in the world, I can’t even think about what it must be like. I am sure many have had this experience but Father I have been blessed and have not so I listen and pray for relief as Your love has blessed my life with.

Father, many changes are coming and choices are being made daily that will affect this coming year. Let us confidently ask that Your will be involved in all of those choices. From our own family to our churches family let us be mindful that a day is coming that we will need every drop of faith we can have to be devoted to You. We are going to walk in a time when calling upon You is our hope and our only hope. We can read it in Your word and know that it’s coming. Your bible Your inspired word tells us be ready to hold strong so help us to do that with Your ever mindful watch over Your children. Keep us whole in all of our dealing and our daily walk with You. Let us be focused on You. We can see the fear building Father, so calm us and make these days come as Your word says they will but let us all who love You be with You as it does come to pass. Be with the leadership of our church, be with the men that serve You and give their lives to You. They draw a stronger account Father so help them on this earth to be the men You would have them to be. Keep us all in prayer for these men and their wives. Keep the task they deal with under Your control and let us honor Your choices in all matters of faith.

Forgive Father when things fall short, when there isn’t enough, when the work just doesn’t get done. Forgive the shortfalls I have. Forgive the days when the prayers don’t come. Forgive when repentance doesn’t seem necessary. Forgive when things seem to keep coming up short. I try Father but I know that I lack the skills to do what I should. I lack the ability to stay on task like I should. There is so much more I could do but the body is weak and the mind soft in willingness to do it. Can You forgive me Father for being such a very weak vessel. I pray that You will keep me in Your training for I know Father I have a long way to go. I should be seeking more help with these matters I am not skilled in and I should be more on task seeing things get done so be with me Father and help me, provide knowledge, provide help, provide the right contacts to make the right choices. Only in You is there a way to do these things and do them right. I ask daily for Your help in all things that concern my life and those that I deal with daily. Be with my family Father as they have to put up with me as well. Forgive my slow learning Father and guide me to a better way.

Father, there are people who need You to touch them today. The people at our church the ones who have doubts. The ones who have health problems, money problems, family problems look on them today and spare the heartaches they are having. Give them relief from the burdens of worry. Walk with them and remind them that in You all things come to the good of those that work for the Lord. Lay it upon all of our hearts when we worry about the things over which we have no control.

Names I would like to bring before you Father, are Robbie and Sandy, Debra, Roland, Peggy, Glen, Lexi, the Shoemakers, the Wagnon’s, Donna and Eddie, Bubba and Dorothy, Our Elders, Bo, Shirley, Bill and Jane, Harold and Linda, Mike and Liz, David, Kim and Darla’s family, Judy Foster, Blanch Rieck, Flossie Fritsch, Mark Goode, Lisa Mahan, Bubba Rouse, Lucy and Daniel, James Spears, Alma, Laura Gomez, Carol Fabian and Eddie Bridwell, Staci Bailey, Stan and Nancy Dolecki, Mark and Janet. Bonnie’s mom, Sonny Goode, Candis Newton. The list is long Father but I think it’s important to list the names even though You know them these are the ones that came on my heart today so look down and bless their lives Father give what only You can give…Peace.

It is in the name of the savior Jesus Christ that I pray all these things into Your hands for deliberation and love. Be with us Father and do not let harm come our way for it is in You we are safe. Amen

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