Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Only God can Know if it's right or wrong.......

Dear Heavenly Father

Each and everyday is a test to stay devoted to You and I try to take time each morning to spend it with You in prayer so I can face the days work with You at my side. Father, thank You for a secure place in a crazy world. You bless our moments here with the shadow of hope, the treasured gift of friends and the ever present guidance of the Holy Spirit and I am thankful for it Father.

Father, today Roland will know if he’ll still have his job. We have gone threw this before and it puts such stress on him as he thinks he is responsible for so much. Let him know Father you are the controlling force in our lives and no matter if a job comes or goes we still walk in Your ways and find a path in this world. It’s not about a job or a place to live or a car it’s about staying focused on You and letting that be our strong hold. Place that in Roland’s heart today as he faces possible changes to his normal routine.

Last night Father we gave Peggy Hemmingway our old truck to drive while she is having some difficulty in her life. We can’t know if it was the right or the wrong thing to do but You laid that on our hearts Father and we pray the situation into Your hands. It would be nice to know what results your actions have before you do them but that’s not the case. We are trusting in You to help Peggy make the right choices, hold her steady and give her mind the ability to focus. Father, I fear that life’s pressures may cloud her judgments and make it difficult to make the right choices so guide her and do not let the burdens conquer. We can not know the whole truth in this matter and sometimes and effort to help can hurt. Please Father I beg that is not the case for we are praying also for Glen and his health issues, for him to recover this difficult and devastating problem with his health. It is not for us to take sides in any matter only to offer help where we can to ease the burdens. A marriage is a difficult place when there are problems with money and health. Give them rest Father and watch over all of them while they face this. Be with little Lexi and make a way for her Father as I know she sees all the fighting and the bitterness. Protect her and keep her safe. Keep her where she needs to be for whatever is best for her.

Father please watch over the Wagon’s, the problems they face with travel, health matters, and heartaches. It is never easy to watch as members of our families suffer. Be with Pam’s mother give her strength and rest.

Each day I ask You with great need to watch the eldership at our church. Be with the choices that are made the men that make them and the people that it affects. Give them guidance, hope and support in all matters that they must deal with. We are so thankful Father that they have accepted the task, have the qualities that are needed and will do it. Fewer and fewer people are willing to take that on and to do it for year after year. It’s a heavy burden to their families and their marriages so support their work and give them clear vision to know Your will. Father, also work with the mindset of our congregation so they will pull together and fight for our church to grow. Let us support these men so the work is not all on them but spread out among many so they don’t get weighed down and worn down. Keep them, claim them in the name of Jesus to remain steadfast for Your work and cause. Let nothing stand in the way of progress for this eldership.

Father, thank you for the recovery of Sue Pratt, Joy Avery that was a much needed blessing and these ladies are very happy to be up and walking again and in Your service. Thank you for helping them get better and back to a more normal life style.

Father, be with Debra today as we start a new medication and with it maybe she will be able to go back out in public without fear of falling. Let this give her some relief and let it also make her testing be more effective in the future testing she has to face. Hold us all up as we try to find an answer to the troubles that she has. Let the finances be available to pay for these medical bills that come upon us with no insurance to help with them just make a way for us to continue to do the best we can in that area.

The prayers will never stop and the request will never stop Father I ask in the name of Jesus everyday because he dies for me and gave me this way so I honor it in prayers because with You all things are possible. In the name of Jesus I claim that hope by these prayers and I lay it all at the foot of the cross for Your consideration. Amen

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