Monday, August 24, 2009

God Bless a productive day!!

Heavenly Father

I was able to see my way through a pretty rough night with our cinnamon colored cocker spaniel. I am feeling pretty rough today but had a productive day despite all of this. I know Father that is a blessing for me from You. I am tested when Cinny gets a rough night because I love that animal so much. It’s really kind of sad. It upsets me to see her age before my eyes. I know Father I won’t have her forever and I am ever grateful for such a fine pet for as long as she is with me.

I have been taking some personal time to pray about things that are really on my heart. It’s always a blessing to know I can reach as deep down as I can go and leave it at the foot of the cross. My worry is so needless Father I know Your Holy Spirit directs everything and I still flop around working out a plan that seems to never go as planned. Help me be mindful of the facts Father, only Your Spirit can do what is right. There is hope for the restlessness inside of me I just have to give it to You. I will not live in fear; I refuse to do that ever again. I will not let fear control the life I live and I tune my thoughts to Your path for whatever it may bring. No matter who it deals with I seek You first in all things. Please bless those who are at odds with me and ease the misdirected thoughts that they might have. May my choices be right in Your eyes alone and let me stand firm in those choices if Your hand is upon them. If not Father soften the process and let me go easier with my words. Let no harm ever come from the harshness of words. They strike such a painful blown. Guide me Father; direct every part of my life.

Father, the eldership at our church is going to have a meeting of the minds. These men will be making choices that will affect many aspects of our church. Give them the blessings of Your Holy Spirit and let them be the mouth pieces that will make Your will known to this body of people. We need direction in the worst way and now choices have been made to have a new path. Let it be the right one. Let us as a membership to this body respect these men and support what they line out for us as a church. There is nothing better than a strong body to hold Your people together. I know hard times are coming Your word tells us but we seek Your guide in knowing what is best during even the most difficult times. It is the only safe haven we will have during our darkest hours. Help all of us just hold on until the time is right. You gave a promise and I believe in You for all things. I trust Your will in all things. Never let my will be a negative force against Yours. Give us all grace and mercy as we fight our human side for Your glory. I sin and I ask forgiveness often but heal my heart Father and keep me from doing it again. Make my commitment to You real. Put the people who seek You on a personal level. Listen to our hearts we are crying out, we need You to take control. There is hope for the helpless, hopeless, broken heart it is in the glory of the sacrifices of Christ Jesus please Lord let us never forget that.

My list Father, I added some names today. I wont bore you with my thoughts on the matters here but Lord just send comfort to those who need You, live for You and try the very best they can to be servants to You. Be with Mark Goode, Denise and Steven. We can never send enough hope to our service men and women. Keep them safe Father, bring them home. Keep Roland calm these days he fights a lot of battles. Let him know my time on the computer is just a way to cope with things bothering me. I can loose myself in this thing we call the internet. If you are there you don’t have to be in the problems you don’t want to face. It’s true for a lot of people, all reaching for something to fill an empty space. Keep me in Your word as well online and off. Father, if I should be doing something harmful touch my heart with that information and help me to make the proper corrections in my behaviors.

Lord in closing, thank you for every moment we have to bond, to seek Your name and Your will for hope for every man, woman, and child who can be brought into Your loving hands. Hold us close until this storm passes by. We are all coming home someday and we want more than anything to not fall away from what is true. Love us Father, guide us through the pit falls, and walk with us hand in hand until we are where we belong. Lay everything at the feet of Jesus because we know what He did for us let us love Him with all that is in us to do so. In His name we pray it all …Amen

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