Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Grounded On A Rock of Faith.....For our new Elders

Dear Father

A time has come……. our church falls to the work of installing new elders to lead your body, your church. You are the King of Kings and only you have the answers we seek in this selection. Father, you know my heart is concerned for this church and for the work of its leaders because it affects the lives of many. We are the sheep Father to be lead by these who would become our Shepard’s. Let the evidences of their worth come forth in these coming weeks so we will see their true nature and be able to reason if they are your choice or ours alone. Let us see past the body and into the hearts of these men. Your church is depending on them to support it and guide it through very tough times, the rebuilding, the economics, and the hardships of everyday life. A level head and courage is what these men need and only you can put that into these vastly different personalities. I pray your will into each man as the work they take on will make them become more accountable than ever to you and also to the church. They will face hardships and must be prepared for working with everyone not just those who they like. Father, are they able to do what is asked of them? Are they able to deal with all levels of social economics? The poor, the broken hearted the lost, the ones who fall away, and the ones who need a firmer hand? Are these men the ones who can fulfill these duties to the church? If they are Father bless them and make an open door for them but if you find they are not worthy of you to be a full servant block them out in every way so they do not cause decay and corruption in an already weakened body of Christians. Give each of us the strength to work together and forgive faults and look to the greater good of the church rather than our own wishes. If we say something against one of these men let it be done for the church and in love. Our concern is not for the individual but for the whole body and the good it can do for the Lord’s work. No person should take on the position if they are not strong in heart and brave to know there will be hardships that may ruin even the strongest faith. God be with them all, Father for the task is overwhelming in some of the tenderest moments of life. Father it is our prayer that You save us from ourselves. The rest of this prayer comes from another but it is my prayer as well so I repeat it here because it touched my heart. It says Our Father in Heaven…….We pray that You save us from ourselves. The world that You have made for us, to live in peace we have made into an armed camp. We live in fear of war to come, in battles of the everyday. We are afraid of “the terror that flies by night and the arrow that flies by day, the pestilence that walks in the darkness and the destruction that wastes our hearts at the noon-day”. We have turned from You to go our selfish ways. We have broken Your commandments and denied Your truth. We have left Your altars of hope to serve the false gods of money and pleasure and power. We are forgetting that all goodness is in You. Forgive us and help us. Now, darkness gathers around us and we are confused in all our counsels. Losing faith in You, we lose faith in ourselves to embrace the Holy Spirit you have sent to us. Inspire us with wisdom, all of us, of every color, race and creed, to use our wealth, our strength, our bodies, our wisdom, our faith to help our brother, instead of destroying him. Help us to do Your will as it is done in Heaven and to be worthy of Your promise of peace on earth. Fill us with new faith, new strength, and new courage, that we may win the battle for peace and prosperity. Be swift to save us, dear God, before the darkness falls and it is too late.

In the spirit of humility and with loving advice, this prayer took form so it is prayed in the powerful name of Christ Jesus to our heavenly Father. Bless us and keep us safe…Amen

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