Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Work is Never Done........Keep Praying

Dear Father
I come to you in prayer and thanksgiving, humbled by your presents in my life and humbled by the kindness of your words. It’s is by the gifts of the gospel I can know these blessing and can know that in You there is hope. Father, as being one who has been baptized into the death of Christ, one who accepts fully the promises of your word, a seeker of your will I can know that you hear these prayers and I am grateful for the love that is shared by these communications. I can seek a closer walk with my Christian brothers and sisters, I can seek a closer walk with my children, I can seek in you a marriage that is strong. I am blessed in you Father and I come to express that to you in prayer. Father you have taken my hand so many times to take me from the deceptive practices of evil and you have held me strong in the face on anger, frustrations, and distrust. I know that it is you and only you that makes it possible to look for the greater good in all matters of this life. Thank you for it all Father, for the holy spirit that guides me daily and walks with me when I am weak. Thank you for the blood, the water, and the spirit which are in agreement for your holy name. Father, I pray today for strength as I have been ill for some days now and even with medications I still am under the weather with a cough. I ask you Father to take this burden from me and let me get back to your work. I know that there is a time for rest and recuperation and I accept your will in these matters I only asked that I can be better so I can continue to work as you would have it. I am your servant and to be the best at that I can be take this cough and restore me to my health so I can work with the strength that only comes from you. Each day that passes is another day in which your work must be done. I ask that nothing hinder me from taking part in that work.
Father, I coming asking you look after Debra she has wrecked her car and will need to come to terms with that. She’ll need money to fix it and I will need strength to let her do it on her own. I want to rescue her Father but she is so deceived by the evil things that this world puts upon her that she doesn’t see you and the fact we are not without resources. I know that what happened is unfortunate but it could have been much worse. I am grateful Father that she was not hurt and that only a car has been damaged. I know you are working in her life Father and I also know she wants to get into her own apartment and get on with her life. These matters are in your hands but keep her safe and protected in your will Father. Whatever our wishes are let them come second to what your wishes are. We are a family and I will stand beside my daughter while she walks through the problems of this life. Let me always be in tune to what you would have me do in consideration toward her. I need your wisdom and help because her problems are problems I don’t understand. I don’t know the heartaches of depression, I can not surrender to those emotions. I will not be deceived into thinking a pill will make me happy. There is only one solution for me and that is to stay within your words written so long ago but still valid to me today. You are my hope and my song and I trust in you fully to work out this life as you see fit. You are the only trusted source to truth. Do not let me enable others to seek another way because I have the money or the means to let them. Guard me from being a stumbling block just because I want to help. I know that if I had not suffered some of the heartaches of youth I would not be the same person I am today and I have to trust that all of the past was a learning block for what I am now in my life. All discipline should be looked as such and should be respected for what it is because if we do not heed the warnings we will not come to terms with the gradual deceptions of evil that can slip in before we even realize what is happening to us. Help me not get in the way of your work but to also be there to guide the people who you have put into my life. Let me have the right words to guide them to a safe place that is within you.
Father, be with Bubba Rouse and Lucy and Daniel. Only you can know the true depth of what they go through each day and only you can provide the love needed to comfort them when things are not going well. Let them have no fear while they are protected by your hand and give them the power to endure forever in your secure and faithful love for them. Walk hand in hand with Lucy and give her whatever she needs Father to make it from day to day in this life.
Father be with Peggy, Glen and all who are with in touch with their needs. Be with Glen’s doctors as they are only men and they will need you Father to direct their hands into his healing. Give them peace Father as only you can while they walk dark days of not knowing what lies ahead. This is sometimes our weakest moments but in You it does not have to be. Let that be on their hearts as they face many things presented to them in these hours. We pray for healing and we pray for hope in their behalf.
Father, be with Carol Fabian as she is going to have her father come and live with her. Help them to do what is best in his life and help them to bond as a family unit so they can be productive and happy.
Father, be with my Shelby and Marianna, Scott and Marijane. We don’t see them at church as often as we should these days and it’s a shame that they are not coming as regular as they did. These are sweet souls Father and belong in your house so whatever is holding them up in coming just touch their hearts to put it aside and come back to worship as often as they can.
Father be with Darla and our staff at our church they work hard and sometimes it is not easy to do what they must to make the church work well. Be with the selection of our new elders and work men into our church body that will keep things moving in the right directions and in accordance to your will. God Bless and keep those who serve the work of the church.
Father the list is always long when we pray and it is not something you can not address with a blink of the eye so love us Father, protect us from the evil one and guard our hearts so that our lives are always in line with you. Keep us in the gospel for it is in those words that we will find our way to do the right things here on this earth. We can not behave the way we should if we are not aware of your will so keep us in your church and in your word. Each day let prayers be offered to You and Your will searched out daily so evidence of You is around us always. It is not just about eternal life that we pray and seek but life today. Life in the simplest of ways, a card, a phone call, a hug we could all use the benefits of that right now. Let us see your love in little things and realize that we have heaven in our hearts right now and we don’t have to wait to see you or the love that is waiting for us in heaven. If we seek the holiness of Your words we have You today and everyday open our eyes Lord.
It is in the strong and powerful name of Christ Jesus that I pray it all into Your will. Be with us daily Father and hold us tight in your love. Amen…….

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