Monday, September 21, 2009

At the Feet of Jesus we Cry Holy Holy is the Lamb

Dear Father My Lord and God

This earth is filled with Your glory, every moment of every day Your will carries us through it all. Our faith with the works we have to do unto Your will makes life worth the living. My path changes everyday and I am so glad that Yours does not. Sometimes I feel just like a feather in the wind with no control but I know firmly planted in You I am going to be fine no matter what storms may come. I want to claim a victory in the name of Jesus for my life and for those whom I love. You are my strong tower and You are all that I want to focus on because Your message is my hope and it speaks softly to my soul this day. Your mercy sets me free so I can move forward, I can release my anger and frustration and leave them at the foot of the cross so I can go on to higher ground. You are beautiful and mighty. You are my strength. Your name is true and holy and I thank You today for the Holy Spirit that will walk me through until the last day.

Lord, I don’t want to spend my whole life asking what if I had given everything……I don’t want to just go through the motions of living I want to make a difference. I am starting something new today and it’s going to do things, change things, but I want to feel something stir inside of me I don’t want to lay this life down without having something to make my time here worth while. So I am praying this new job into the will of Your love… guide me Father. You all my all in all so take me were You want me in Christ alone. I am listening to You.

Father, bless our life group all of those who come to Lucy’s for fellowship and love. Be with Bubba and this whole family because I think to myself what a love they have and what a hope they have living in You. Thank You for putting that group of people in our lives. It’s been a blessing. All of the things we asked last night I bring it before You again this morning, be with the Schultz family in the loss of Harvey’s sister-n-law. They will be traveling this week so guide them as their hearts may be heavy so watch the drive and make a safe way for them and prevent distraction that could cause an accident on the roadways. Be with Mark and David as their new class seems to have touched some lives already. Be with the children who were mentioned that are suffering illness relatives of Janet and Ann, keep Debra at the top of the list as we walk her into a better way of life. Be with Christy and Logan times of suffering are upon that family. Father, I bring before You the healing needs of Elaine Prothro, Sandra Wims, Pam Wagnon, Morgan Williams care for them. Jesus we are ready to face the hard times because a day is coming when You will restore because You are much greater than the pain. We claim our joy and our chance to be free from the heartaches of this life for we are seeking Your glory. A day of victory is coming and we are with our Lord God almighty into that day we will wait.

Father, I wait for You today, I needed You today and I was not disappointed when I opened my eyes for this day. I knew You were still there. There was no doubted at all. I am thankful for the hope in this day even if I can’t see You I can feel Your presence and reassurance that You placed in my life. Nothing can separate us because You are part of me…..I am so thankful. I have had some anger, frustrations that have brought me down but today its over You have taken it even thought I can’t see You I know I laid it all at Your feet and it’s over with. Move me on to new things.

Be with those I pray for everyday, Darla, Amber, David and Kim, Mark Goode and all of our service men and woman that face uncertainties daily. Be with this country Lord restore us into Your guidance. Step in and save the day. Care for our eldership…Bo, Harold, Harvey, Mike, David, Bill and their wives. We praise the God who gives and we will praise You in this storm because You hold us all in Your hands. Wrap us in Your love because our help comes from the Lord only and we need our creator to bless and protect us. Be looking out for Paul Fagala and his family and let them know that even in the darker days there is light and if there are battles to be fought just fight them because Your will makes a way for those who love You. Whatever the needs are Father just show us the way and let us listen to Your directives and place them above our own.

Father, I pray it all because of the sacrifices of Christ Jesus and it is by His Holy Name that I give it all over in prayer to You. Be with us this day and always ………Amen

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