Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Six days between prayers is to long......

Dear Father

I am thankful for all that is in my world from the least to the greatest I know you have reason for all that happens. I am thankful Lord for the answers we can accept even if it’s not really what we wanted. I am thankful for good health, friends, biblical teaching and for the love that is possible through Your example.

A lot of thing divert my time from these prayers and I ask forgiveness Father because even with the oral prayers I know this time spent here is important to my spiritual growth. It’s a time I set aside for being 100% focused on You and I should make it my number one priority because it starts my day. I can pray at any time but making sure it’s totally real, totally devoted and not just some lip service because it’s crossed my mind that’s what I want for You in my prayer life. I want to be devoted to my Lord and Savior and to my God and Father it is my prayer that I am and always will be faithful to prayer. I am starting a new job and I am really worried about how it’s going to affect my ability to stay as active as I would like in my Christian walk. There are so many demands on my time right now I don’t know if this is a wise choice for my life. I also gave out a lot of personal information on myself that I now don’t know who’s hands it’s in and that is causing me to worry and I shouldn’t be worried but I am. I think it’s just the new breed of people out there who watch everything and worry about identity theft and other problems of the like. I have been thinking that I should contact the credit bureau and have a watch put on my information for the opening of new accounts ect and before things like that wouldn’t have crossed my thought pattern our world is hurting Father and we double check ourselves on even the simple matters like applying for a job. It’s really quite a burden they have to have this information but then who really gets it in the long run and where does it end up at? Any way I guess Father my prayer is for Your protection keep matters simple and let nothing come of it.

Father, I ask a special blessing on the life of Carl Collins, he will lay his bride Jean to rest on Sept. 17, 2009 after caring for her during a long illness. No one can know his heartaches Father but You so watch over him and give him peace, let the church be there for him and the people who will let them reach out to him and be a cover for the harm that death causes in our lives. Just keep his mind sound Father and bless the time that they had together as a gift of sweet memories unto the rest of Carl’s days here with us.

Father, we started our ladies class today and it’s going to go really well it always does and Shirley and Lynne do such a good job in covering the lessons. Keep them up lifted while they are working for Your kingdom and let us as students be mindful that it is Your word that they share in these classes. Open our hearts and let us be together in oneness for the love of Your church. Grouping us as a strong force doing a good work for You. Hear their prayers Father, guide guard and direct everything that the woman do that is for the sake of Your name and Your church.

Father, for Mark Goode be over him daily never let him out of the protection of Your hands. For all of our service men and women, those who have already given their lives, let us be grateful that they were willing to face the last day of their lives to honor this country. Protect us Father for the state of our world is in dire need of direction. Hold those who love You close and help guide our way for we all know hard times are just starting and more are to come but for those who love You Lord we know that you will make a way for us.

Father, A prayer just for Cindy Crenshaw and her daughter Tasha Covin, For Darla Plunkett and her daughter Amber, her grandson Big Mike, For myself and my daughter Debra, my son Robbie, For Paul and Kristen and their children, we need You every hour as we don’t really understand the hands we have been dealt but Father I know that You are still our God in every case so just make us strong to see You and cling to You no matter what happens in this life because someday in You we will be new creatures and we are seeking You until that day. This life will not defeat those who Love the Lord their God. With You all things are possible and Father we are willing to face anything for that day in which you have promised.

Father, look over the health matters that affect so many these days. A special prayer for Sandra Wims, Father she has already faced so much but she is Yours fully so protect her body and soul in all matters that concern her. Make a way for her Father that only can be done by Your grace and Your mercy. Be with her family members as well it’s been a long hard road for all of them.

Father, be with Elaine Prothro she is on the road to recovery but it’s been a little bumpy for her just comfort them and give her the strength she needs to recover from such a massive surgery and change in her life. Help Clint be supportive and caring as he is Father blessed by the special gift of a husband that is lead by You. Not many have the blessing found in the good heart of Clint Prothro he is special and stands out for Your word be with them Father.

Father, I seem to be asking so much in this prayer today when I know you will address these matters. This dull worry still lies with me so it is good to pour this out to you for I am so thankful for a way to release the tensions that worry causes because when I give it over to You I know You set me free of those worries. Thank You from a very humbled grateful heart. Our elderly need You, our children need You, our marriages need You so this tells me these prayers are not in vain. You are showing us the way we have to open our eyes and see it the big picture not just that which affect us directly. Things are happening day and night that are going to allow Your coming let us ride the storm bravely and with hope on our minds. We know You will not forget us during our times of trouble but let us see that trouble passing away as we hold firm to You.

I pray it all into Your son’s Holy name for it is by his sacrifices that we can pray at all to our Loving God.

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