Monday, September 28, 2009


Dear Father

As I start out a new day I want to take some time to reflect on the blessing of this life in You. I want to just give some honor to who You are in my life. It’s been a rough few days but there have been worse and it seems the out come my be what I have prayed for all my life. I have been praying for Robbie to return to You for so long I can’t even remember and yesterday September 27 he once again was in Your house. It sometimes Lord seems to take such a very long time but I know You are faithful and I want to say Thank You for those moments that are in You and we know they are in You. Nothing outside of Your love has ever been better for me and I didn’t think I would live to see the day we could all sit together in the same house and talk normally. Roland’s heart has always been giving and you put that spirit in him to help me and I am so grateful for my husband. He is having a tough time at work at home and in this walk in general so watch over him Father and comfort him because he does so much for us and takes such good care of our needs. I know he was Your gift to us so protect this man from the dulling effects of everyday life.

Father, be with me today as I met with the company executives from Dallas and walk into this new part of my life. I know You want me doing this for just a while Father because I don’t seem to be able to stop it even though I have had uncertainties about why I am doing this. I know I need to help Roland with the burdens of finance that Debra places on us but Father I would pray it’s something more that is making this path open and I hope it is Your will that is guiding me in this direction. If not Father take me on another path. Last night when we went to the parents meeting all the dates offered I had other things already planned, trips and such but I seem to be moving away and not toward Your church maybe it’s the time to go differently but it is causing some confusion in me.

Be with the list today Father, bless Amber Plunkett as she will soon be finishing up with her schooling and new things will be happening for her and Big Mike. Be with Mark Goode as he protects my freedom and my rights. Be with our eldership, our minister, their wives and children. Keep them whole and thinking in like manner with Your will as they guide us as the sheep of Your pastures. Hold them in mind to Your thinking and not ours. As they fill gaps left by the leaving of Paul Fagala help them. Also, Father be with Paul as he has a new job and with Kristen as she is working a business to help them as well. Keep the needs of their children on top of the list as a very dark day is upon them. Help us all to help them with whatever the needs might be and remind us all that no matter what we are still family.

As I start this day I start it calling upon the name of Jesus for help, for protection from the storms of life and with thanksgiving because for His sacrifices I have hope and in His blessed name I pray it now and always….amen.

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