Friday, September 11, 2009

Brightly beams our Father's Mercy...........

God of all Creation

My prayers for today are for the beauty of this life, thanking You for all that is possible within Your love. Today and everyday I come before Your throne with a thankful heart for the blessings that only come through a personal relationship with You. Father, I can’t know what tomorrow brings but I know You are with me and because of that I can face anything. Thank You for that strength. Thank You for the Holy Spirit that can give us peace in any situation.

Today I will spend my day with my adoptive granddaughters Shelby and Marianna, they have been sick with flu type symptoms and staying home from school already early into the school year. I pray that they will both be better soon and back to a normal routine. Be with MariJane and Scott as they raise these two beautiful young ladies give them the abilities they need to be affective parents. Stand for our children Lord as these very difficult times makes being a parent a very problematical task. Let our young parents be bold as they seek their way to do the very best they can for their families.

Be with me today Father, I know that troubled times are coming for both me and Roland keep us strong and united in our efforts to deal with matters of intense concern as we deal with the issues that are going to arise with the management duties of the church building. Changes don’t come without a price and our new eldership is making effective changes that will build and grow Your church. Let all of us understand the growing pains of doing some things differently. Forgive those who are not willing to do what is best for Your church or that just don’t see the bigger picture. Give us hope in You Father as we face what the future holds. Be with all of our concerns and bless the efforts that You see to be the best for it is Your will we seek in all things.

Be with Mark Goode and all of our service men and woman. Be with our country, be with the financial matters that concern so many these days. Help us know that You do not forget our needs and Your words will carry us through until the final day. Let us always trust in You even if we can’t trust anywhere else. Keep Paul and Kristen and their family under Your watch for what they go through they go through with You. Always keep us tender and hopeful and let us rejoice for You are our Lord for we know You will restore us daily. We are walking with You even now and seeking the promises that are to come by the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for it is all prayed in His Holy name………Amen

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