Saturday, July 26, 2008

Doing all the important things today

We are getting all the last minute things done and funny as it's seems they are done. We are downloading music to the computer that I will take. Gathering our favorite DVD's and looking through the pictures that will be comforting to me while I am so far from home. Talked to all the people that are important to us and let them know what we are doing. Got to get some voltage converters and then it's off to the wild blue yonder. Karen Goode is going to drive me to the airport and Roland will head off to work just like its just another day. Sleep is not easy these days and there is worries like I have never known before. Then on the other side of that I know its in God's hands and that gives you a great deal of comfort. Doing this and not having a good relationship with God would be an impossibility for me. We will be 10 and a half hours ahead of you guys so while I sleep your working and visa versa. I will have a skype account for phone calls that are free skype to skype you can look me up on your accounts as vickie.sims but with that time difference it's going to be hard to call. There is also got a chat feature you can leave a message on. Love to hear from you guys.

Anyway nothing left to do but wait. Posted are some pictures hope you enjoy them. I wanted them here to remind me there is a place called home........

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