Wednesday, July 30, 2008

There has been a change of plans. No surgery in the morning there are way to many test to confirm and choices to be made. They have a lot of people to confer with and it’s not coming together as the doctor chosen to do the hysterectomy is a woman and she doesn’t want to do it because of Debra’s age. It is not their way. She wants us to let her make the decision in the surgical suite after Debra is sedated. I am not in agreement with that so she had us met with the physiatrist tonight. He met with me alone and then with Debra in the room as well. They will confirm with each other in the morning after all the reports are in. This is going to delay us by at least 2 days but they are chomping us the extra days at no extra charge. Debra got pretty upset over it but the doctor sent some medications down to calm her down and she is out like a light. It didn’t take but about 15 minutes. The nurse tells her take the pill then I will tell you what it will do to you. She really balked at that and didn’t want to take it. They also took all of her regular medication away from her and locked them up in the nurse’s station, which also sent her in a tailspin. She didn’t want to let them take them out of the room. She was assured they would be given to her as needed but they had to be monitored so the doctors know exactly how much and when she is taking them. Makes sense to me but it up set her that they took them away. Today was very hectic and tensions ran pretty high. Debra is doing okay but you can tell it’s hard for her. The sleep is exactly what she needs. At this point she can’t even go to the bathroom without assistance. The anthologist has to have all this and know all of this and it’s hard to talk about it in front of me. I do try to respect her “adulthood” and stand aside as I can but they want me to confirm everything she is telling them. It’s necessary for them to have all the correct information. It’s also chaotic for me.

The food here is not my friend. It taste great and looks pretty good but with all the tension and nerves running crazy I can’t eat it. I feel like I have some chills but the doctor says not to worry it will pass and that it’s me who needs medication to calm down. I told him no thank you I have the Lord I will be fine. In my heart I know that this will turn out just as it should but it’s an eye opener. I wanted to take some pictures but I don’t think they like that in the hospital. I will take some out but they have told me to protect my camera while outside even on the grounds. They love my jeans. I had brought candy from the US for tiny gifts but they wont take it. I found if you put money with it they like it better. I use my credit card most everywhere and have not had money exchanged as of yet but will need some for smaller items. How much do you tip your attendants? I have no clue as to what would be good. Maybe 5000 rupee? I just don’t know ……

Bharat checks with me daily and they wanted to do my crown for me today but I was just to stressed to even think about doing something like that. They totally love my Bass Pro Credit card. They all want to look at it and pass it around which makes me a little uncomfortable. He does remember Kim and said to send his hellos back to you as well.

I better try to get some rest it’s almost mid-night here and I am dog-tired. Keep the home fires burning it will be a blessing to return.

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