Wednesday, July 22, 2009

207 Another Day in Prayer

Heavenly Father Most High

Father we were able to enjoy a calm day with some good cooking and nice company. It was an easy flowing day that doesn’t come often. I appreciated the everydayness of it all. I thank you Father for days like these not over burdened with work or worry but enough to keep me busy and active. I remembered a few important things today and got them done. Father, Roland and I are taking a week-end away and we really need it due to the pressure he has been under so I thank you that it is possible for us to take this time away from everything. Be with us while we travel and make sure Debra is cared for while we are away. Watch over her Father and help her be able to handle the house while we are away. Let her take good care of Cinnamon and the things she needs to do at church with the trays. She has been doing a good job with that Father and I want her to continue for it is a reminder of why we go to this church and why we act as we do toward it.

Father I don’t have any request today for I know that you are with Mark Goode, and those I pray for daily. I need not beg Your watch I know it is there. I sometimes pray it for my comfort and not because You need it prayed over and over. It’s a reminder for me as well to take these people into consideration each and everyday and do what I can to make their lives better and productive. Father, I do believe we are Your hands and feet and Your voice is heard in our actions so let them be acceptable in Your sight.

Father, with all my heart I humble myself and drop at Your feet for all the blessing in my life. Forgive the sins that are within me and let my life be a living sacrifice for You. Keep me with You Father and remove any and all fear that I have in me. Keep me moving forward and never to go back to things in the past. Be with me always Father for it is You and Your will that I seek daily in these prayers. It is in the glory of Your son that I pray in the name of Jesus …until it ends here or You come for us let us be ready to hear Your call………Amen

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