Monday, July 13, 2009

Some Days are just Better than others.......

Dear Heavenly Father

Some days are just better than others and I thank You for the changes and the revelations that come from that. We are seeking you daily and when we see You at work in our own mist, touching the lives of those we love and care for it is just an awesome experience and I thank You for moments like these. Yesterday was one of those days. A day we could all be proud of in our Christian walk.

Father, I want to thank you for the ones being brought to you in obedience and baptism. Alexa Holleman, Marissa Dunn, Father with their youth they will have a long walk in Your service be with them always and guide them. Remind them daily it was for the remission of their sin. Keep them and guard their youth so they will not be pulled away by earthly desires.

Father I will be bringing before You regularly Mark Goode. Daily Father keep watch over this young man, he is being sent to war at the end of this month to fight for the freedoms of our nation and others he doesn’t even know. Protect his mind, keep him focused, cover him with Your shield and protect him from all enemies. I beg Your special favor on this young man and all who give so much of themselves for their country. Father I don’t understand war, I do not understand why this has to be so as I pray for Mark and his family console my heart as well and help me as I try not to lean upon my own understanding of these matters. I ask You Father let no harm come to Mark Goode as he assist his country. Be with all our American military.

Father, you blessed us with knowing the heart of Carl Collins. He is a fine man who has supported and protected his wife. As times grow dim for them and the burden become harder and harder to bear comfort and send aid to both of them. Lift the load from Carl’s shoulders as heartaches become confusions and dismay. Walk with him through all that he has to endure and let him hear the words of your promise and not the lies of the evil one. Keep him bonded and whole in every moment.

Father, be with Glen and Peggy Hemmenway as Glen faces each day not knowing what it will bring. Be with his eye surgeries and related matters. Help them adjust to their new home and the move there. Give Peggy the strength to endure a longer drive to work, comfort her Father as only You can during this atrocious time. Let her know Father that even things that go on for a long time they do end and battles are won. Keep her in the vale of Your word. Protect them both from the evil one.

Father, as for my own house keep us thankful, grateful for Your power, thankful that we know You and even though matters for us are not within my understanding I know that Your plan is the plan of life here and eternally. Keep my mind whole and protect me from harmful dreams, unproductive thoughts and numbers. Do not let me fall into fruitless, barren prayers for matters turned over to you long ago. What is in the past let it forever remain there. Help me to listen closely as You take control over all that concerns me at this time. I trust Your guidance on all matters and Father I know you will quieten the restlessness and the expectations that I know will not come. Let me be compliant of all that You guide me to do. Let me be at peace with these choices.

In matters of thanksgiving Father bless our preacher David, his wife Kim. He keeps bringing to the table each Sunday the bread of life for your sheep. His work makes us think, helps us to see Your glory in action. Father, I know it can not be easy but David never fails to offer us something thought provoking every time he speaks we know it is not his words but Yours. Thank you Lord for this selected vessel. Thank You for him and his family’s ability to serve Your church. Guide, guard and protect them as they serve Your church and let us always be mindful of the blessings that we receive because of their willingness to serve Your church. Let us help them, support them and lift them up so they may continue and know the efforts are a blessing and they bring a message of hope we are all seeking so desperately to hear. Continue to lead David as he preaches Jeremiah.

Lord, just a few more names Darla, Karen V. Phil and Bonnie, Georgia Frost, Donna and Eddie, Christy and her family, Staci Bailey, Eddie Birdwell, Floyd Dickens, Liz and Mike Miller, Sonny Goode, Bubba Kay, Lois Allen, Morgan Williams, Terri Dunn, Steve and Melinda Fischesser, Ricki Lane and family, Robbie and Debra, Roland and his sisters. Lucy and Daniel Rouse. Laura Gomez, Stan Dolecki. All of our elders and their wives. Bless all of these Father and watch over them in ways only You can.

With thanksgiving in my heart I pray it all in the strong and powerful name of Christ Jesus … above all names to His glory……Amen

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